Doing What's Right!
Gain experience, and develop your values
"A Leader must aim to be just - not popular."
"Leaders are full of gratitude and acknowledge the success of others."
"Politicians should try levelling taxes down and opportunities up."
"Which sort of business are you going to be? The Quick or the Dead?"
"Good intentions often lead to sterile outcomes - or even worse!"
"CEOs leading Charities should take a modest salary."
"A Mentor is someone you need - when your need is greatest."
"Find someone you know who is in need, preferably local, and help them."
"Make a Customer happy - then surprise them and do more!"
"Poles and Hungarians have been slaves, and they never will again."
"If speaking the truth feels awkward, take a deep breath and speak the truth."
"The secret of Leadership? Finding courage and strength in adversity."
"A Mentor can fill in the gaps you need the most!"
"Leading made easy - learn on the go, consult your mentor and do it!
"Failure only happens when you cannot bounce back."
"Practice a common touch. It's what Leaders do well."
"Leaders never outsource what they are responsible for."
"90% of fears never materialise, don't worry until it happens ;
that way, you'll lose 90% of your stress!"

Do what you expect others to do.